What makes us different?

We’re a group of like-minded people, using our passion and our knowledge to deliver the best tasting and most pure water you can find.

6 stage water purification process:

  • Stage 1 & 2  - Dual gradient micron filter
  • Stage 3 - High volume carbon dechlorinator
  • Stage 4 - Reverse osmosis membrane
  • Stage 5 - Ultraviolet sterilisation filter
  • Stage 6 - Polishing filter

5 stage ice purification process:

  • Stage 1 & 2  - Dual gradient micron filter
  • Stage 3 - High volume carbon dechlorinator
  • Stage 4 - Ultraviolet sterilisation filter
  • Stage 5 - Polishing filter

It is common knowledge that there can be over 50 different types of chemicals and contaminants added to water supplies at any one time. Water from dams, rivers, boreholes or tanks can be contaminated by: fuel emissions, industrial waste, human waste, chemicals, sewage, agricultural waste (including pesticides, fertilisers and animal waste), chemical spills, mircoorganisms or drug residues. Water authorities add chemicals such as chlorine, chloramine, aluminium and fluoride to destroy these microorganisms. To top it all off, there can be further contamination through water pipes in poor condition or made from dangerous metals.

Using Ice Express is the best way to overcome the risks associated with these contaminants. Ice Express uses Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Ion Exchange (IE) to purify our water. Most conventional filtration systems are unable to remove volatile organic compounds, fluoride and an estimated 75,000+ other chemical compounds. Ice Express uses RO because it removes nearly all of these impurities, that carbon alone cannot remove. We also use IE as it removes excess minerals and makes the water taste even better. Taste it yourself!

Our purification process can remove all of the elements listed below:

Ions and Metals Arsenic, Aluminium, Barium, Cadmium, Calcium, Chloride, Chlorine, Chromium, Copper, Fluoride, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Nitrate, Potassium, Radium, Radon, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Sulphate, Zinc, Organic Chemicals, Benzene, Carbon tetrachloride, Dichlorobenzene, Toluene 1, Trichloroethylene, Total Trihalomethanes (THM’s), Particles of Asbestos, Protozoan cysts, Cryptosporidium, Pesticides 1, 2, 4 – trichlorobenzene, 2, 4-D, Atrazine, Endrin, Heptachlor, Lindane, Pentachlorophenol.